Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bitten by Pallet Bug!

So I got pallet fever and wanted a pallet inspired coffee table. For those of you who haven't realized its the DIY invention craze of 2011 and working its way into 2012. So I went out like any law abiding citizen and found some pallets, needless to say they were a lot heavier than I thought and wider than expected so driving home it was hard to see if I was being pursued by cops, so I drove like I was Jane in that movie Fun with Dick and Jane (2005 version) when they robbed the liquor store..hahaha.. Anyway I get these pallets home stack them up and place them in the living room.. Perfect I think, now to just read up on getting them clean!! <Enter Drama> I am terrified of mold, fungus, anything similar and def flesh eating bacteria which I read used pallets have the potential to carry. <Enter Meltdown> Ok, now what?? I have these great pallets that work in my space and I'm scared to use them. I read about disinfecting them but my brain just would not accept this as satisfactory, so I decided to fork up some money go to Lowe's and build one.  I love it, it loves me, and is bacteria FREE!!! Check it out!! Some Free's are better than the $$0.00$$ price tag.

Wood Required:
1- (2x4) for support
3- (1x6x8) planks for the top
2- (1x2x8) for the base
2- (4x4) for the legs
Total Time to Build: One afternoon and a couple of hot cups of tea ;-)

Gotta Love Cheap Looking Wood and Luxurious Fur!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Active Laziness

I am actively lazy!! I have always been active, running around doing stuff, exercising, projects around the house, stealing pallets ( that's a future post), sports, etc... but I like to do things with purpose aka laziness, like when the remote is on the other side of the couch and the TV is too low, I'll just listen more intently haha..
I realized this years ago but as I was standing in line at the store buying a 1/2 gallon tumbler to take with me to work it really kinda smacked me in the face.. Ok, so background on this purchase. I started a new job a few weeks ago and my desk is an extended walk to the break room, like to the point where I have to time going to the break room and bathroom so I don't appear to spend all my time wandering the hallways. Oh yea the bathroom is equally as far, so I'm on the verge of a pee-pee dance every time someone stops me in the hall for that.."oh ur new..hows it going?" chat. Anyway so the point.. well in addition to my not wanting to look like the slacking new girl who spends all her time walking and the real reason for my purchase the laziness... I strategically purchased a tumbler I could fill up with water only once and make it through the entire day drinking. YES!!! 2 points -Team laziness. Ho-w-e-v-er  I started to feel bad because that was really a lazy move, and I was also taking the elevator to the 2nd floor every day. Enter Team Activeness!! Basically I needed to make myself feel better about being a slacker and work in harmony with my "Rich 40". Now these following suggestions prove my activeness and can improve yours as well. 
1. I started to take the steps, (that's right bags and all every morning and afternoon)
2. I went to Sculpting and put an extra 10lbs of weight on my bar ;-) and finally
3. I wake up every morning and do a nice yoga-stretch complete with a few planks and Pilates push-ups.
The result: Feeling rather good about myself and my track!!

Nothing irritates me more than chronic laziness in others. Mind you, it's only mental sloth I object to. Physical sloth can be heavenly.
Elizabeth Hurley

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